■合氣道とは?/What is AIKIDO?
合気道は、開祖植芝盛平翁(1883~1969 )が日本伝統の武術の奥義を究め、さらに厳しい精神的修行を経て創始した現代武道です。合気道は相手といたずらに強弱を競いません。入身と転換の体捌きと呼吸力から生まれる技によって、お互いに切磋琢磨し合って稽古を積み重ね、心身の錬成を図るのを目的としています。また、合気道は他人と優劣を競うことをしないため、試合や競技を行ないません。稽古を積み重ねていく中でお互いを尊重し、和合の心を学ぶことが出来る武道と言えるでしょう。
合気道は、世界的広がりを見せています。合気道の海外普及は1950 年代から始まり、現在(2014)、世界国々の約7割、約130ヶ国に組織・団体があります。この海外普及の結果、(公財)合気会の登録団体によって組織された国際合気道連盟(IAF)が1976 年に結成され、国際大会と総会が四年ごとに開催されています。また国際合気道連盟は、1984 年に世界的スポーツ組織であるスポーツアコード(旧称、GAISF)の会員となりました。近年、海外普及の活動において(公財)合気会の指導者派遣や合気道本部道場の活動と共に、各国の合気道組織・団体による積極的なセミナーや交流活動、国際交流基金による指導者派遣、国際協力機構(JICA)の青年海外協力隊、シニア海外ボランテイアによる指導者派遣なども活発になっております。
Aikido is a Japanese Martial Art created during the 1920s by Morihei Ueshiba (1883~1969), an expert who reached the highest level of mastery in the classical Japanese Martial Arts. Aikido is performed by blending with the motion of the attacker and redirecting the force of the attack rather than opposing it head-on. Aikido has not competition. The goal of Aikido training is not perfection of a step or skill, but rather improving one's character according to the rules of nature.
Aikido training is intended to promote physical and mental training, according to the proficiency level of each skill and repeatedly practice so anyone can practice. Aikido training is not only good for health, but also develops self-confidence naturally for daily life. The dojo is a ideal place to deepen the understanding of the human eye, to meet people regardless of age, sex and occupation.
Sixty years have passed since the spread of Aikido overseas began. During this time, Aikido has become established in 130 countries. Aikido has taken root all over the world because it is recognized as a way to train the mind and body, and as such, its value extends beyond race and border. As a result of overseas promotion activities, in 1976, the International Aikido Federation (IAF) was established, the General Assembly of the Federation has been held every four years. In 1984, the International Aikido Federation became official member of the General Association of International Sports Federations (GAISF). Voluntary activities by international organizations and leaders dispatched by Japan Government Foundation, Leaders dispatched by Senior Overseas Cooperation Volunteers and Youth of Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) has also become active. Aikido is expected internationally now as a new culture of humanity in the 21st century.
[From AIKIKAI FOUNDATION official website]
A Shodo Work 「Aikido」 by The Founder
開祖 植芝盛平 翁 (1883~1969)
二代道主 植芝吉祥丸 (1921~1999)
合氣道道主 植芝守央 (1951~ )